28th – Today I decided to get a snack before class because I didn’t get up in time for breakfast and as I was trying to decide what I was this man, Francisco Palomo, came up and clapped in face, I guess he thought I was staring into space. - I was like uh can I help you -he was like what are you looking at? –I was like trying to decide what to eat. – So he starting telling me what was good to eat and asking me if I liked the cooked or cured meats. And eventually made a suggestion of jamon york. Which is what I ended up getting. Then he just started talking to me and asking where I was from, how I liked Malaga and then told me what places I should visit in Malaga (the capital and Province). Then I asked him what he did and he told me that he was an Art History professor here and if I ever needed anything I could just come by his office. We had a great conversation and he actually ended up paying for my food.

29th – Today I had a lunch date with Diego, the guy from my translation class. We went to a local restaurant in Teatinos just to have a drink and talk and do a language exchange. That’s pretty much just talking half of the conversation in English and Spanish, just to help each other. It’s funny because the people here are taught British English and believe it or not it is a big difference. As far as pronunciation of words and words we don’t use in the US. So I would correct him as we were talking and realized that these were words that my British friends used, so they weren’t wrong just different! As we were talking the owner told us that he was going to give us free meal of Spanish tortillas and bread. I must say it was the best tortilla I have ever had; it had sausages, peppers, onions, and was really well seasoned, it was just great.
Later on that night I went to my friends’ Miriam, from Germany, house for dinner. We had pasta, a traditional English salad that Sophie made, Spanish tortillas, grapes and cheese, and tiramisu! The food and the night were great. I met new people and had fun tearing up Miriam’s house, well at least Chiara, friend from Italy, did.
30th – I stayed in for night and just finger twisted my hair and it turned it really nice.
31st – Halloween! They celebrate Halloween here, which I found out just integrated here a couple of years ago. I really didn’t want to dress up but since I was invited to a costume party I said why not. So after looking for a costume all day, I decided to go as a belly dancer. The costume consisted of some tights and a belly dancer top, what can I say it was last minute. That night I met up with some friends in the center to go the party. And right as I passed the main street, Calle Larios, which was full of people, there was a group of dancers that did Michael Jackson’s Thriller dance. One of my friends recorded it and it was on point, you could tell they had really been practicing.

We went to the costume party in an apartment and it was so packed and ended up getting shut down because of the noise. We were talking about going to the costume party at they boat, but I had a terrible headache and ended up going home early, around 3am, that night.
November 1st – Today I just relaxed in my room all day and watched movies. It always great to relax and my body really needed it!
2nd – We didn’t have classes today because it was the Monday after The day of the dead, a holiday here. I started off repeating my routine from yesterday, just laying in the bed and watching movies until I felt so lazy that I just sat on the floor. Then I realized that I needed to get out of my room, so I Skyped Jari and we decided to go to out for dinner because he was feeling the same way I was. We went to a restaurant close to where I live and had some really good hamburgers and loaded French fries. I was really glad that I got out of the house. I like to relax but you can over do it.
3rd – It has been 45 days, if you remember when I first got I had to go and get my student ID card from the police station and after I finished they told me I had to come back in 45 days just to receive it. After I picked up my ID card I went to buy some new sheets for my bed, just to change it up and afterwards went to my bank here, Banco Santander. I went to the bank because after my last transfer from Bank of America to here, I realized that it was always 20 Euros less than what I sent and I have been trying to get this straightened out for that past couple of weeks. I had to end up getting BOA to send me a detailed route of my money to make sure there were not any commissions being taken out during the process. So I just went to the bank with my documentation and the guy who dealt with international transfers and with out a problem he fixed everything. God is good. After that I went and got my student bus card, which is 23 Euros for an unlimited monthly pass.
After getting all that out of the way I went to the gym and had a wonderful workout. Funny thing, as you can see in the picture above my hair looks really short when I twisted it and everyone keeps asking my did you cut your hair and then I stretch it out and they are like wow. Then its what hair shop did you go to, I don’t think I am going to let anyone here do my hair, just because I don’t like just anybody in my hair.
I received an email today about the teaching position and we have a meeting tomorrow to tell us more about it.
4th – Today we had a 9am meeting about an opportunity to teach English for 300 Euros a month (about 500 dollars). They briefly gave us a description about the job and said that we would assist the teachers with anything they needed. Then she said that there were only 3 positions and there were 5 of us and she asked who wanted it. It was silent for a second, and then I was thinking 5 people, 3 positions and quickly said I want that one. I was not about to miss this opportunity. After that they gave me the information to my school and told me that I would have to call or go up there to work out my work schedule. After I left, I just decided to go straight to the school and got there around 10:30am; I didn’t want to procrastinate with this. So I went up the elementary school and they were so happy that I was there and we figured out my schedule that day. Which is Monday’s 9 -7pm and Thursday’s 11:30 – 2:30pm, we had to find a way to fit 12 hours a week into my schedule and this was the best way. They were so excited that they asked me if I could start that day, I was like sure, why not. So Ana, the Assistant Principal, showed me around the school and introduced me to the class that I was going to be working with. I really like the school and the people are really nice. I think that I am going to enjoy working here. And as it turns out I will actually be teaching some of the class and not just assisting. I am going to be teaching 3 year olds, 1st grade, and 5th grade; I will also be tutoring the principal, who is taking English classes. I start my official first day tomorrow and I am really excited.
5th – Today was my first day of work and it was wonderful. All I did today was help the teachers with their lessons and correct the students and their pronunciation and spelling errors. I was just awesome as soon as I walked into the class all the students said, Hello MiCHelle, emphasis on the “ch.” That is how my name is pronounced here. I can really tell that I am going to enjoy this year because it will not only be a learning experience for the students but for me too. Side note: I know that one day I would love to have children, but the more I am around them it reassures me that I not ready, because I not fully developed the patience needed for children. However, I know when the time comes, God will instill it in me.
After work I went shopping and just treated myself for a job well done!

8th – I didn’t go out yesterday, the 7th, because I was going to go to Antequera on Sunday. Today Jari (Finland), Alex (Washington, US), and I went to Antequera which is one of the must see places in the Province of Malaga. Antequera is a very old and small town with a rich history. We decided to take the train the train their instead of the bus because it would only be 20 minutes instead of an hour. When we arrived to the train station there, it was deserted; there were no taxis, buses, and the only people where the workers. They told us that the buses to the city didn’t run on Sunday and because it was Sunday a taxi to the city would be about 20 Euros. But hey you live and you learn. We got a taxi to the city and started to explore. We saw this place that sold churros (fried dough with sugar and served with hot chocolate for

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