Well a lot has happened in the past two weeks (9/18-10/4) ; Two Fridays ago I got an upgrade for my room and of course I had to decorate it to make it feel more like home! The first picture is my original room, the second is my new room and how it looked when I initially moved into it and the third is how it looks now! I absolutely love my room, plus I have 2 closets!!! : )

That next day I went to Marbella, another beautiful city in Andalucia, with some of the people from my Spanish class and it was absolutely wonderful. The weather was great; although the water was freezing I still went on a paddleboat ride and slid down the slide into the Mediterranean Ocean! After we left the beach we went on a tour of the town, which has beautiful architecture and mountainside views. It is so peaceful here, now I can see why they say it's the get away spot for the rich people.

On Sunday we went to the viewpoint and the castle, which is in the city of Malaga. I can say that I was not prepared for the hike that we took. The hill was so steep and it was so hot, I was just happy that I had comfortable shoes on. As you can see the view was absolutely amazing, just imagine being at the top of the city and looking down at everything. And the view at night is even better, lights illuminate the castle and the city is gorgeous!

That next week I was just took it easy, toured the city, met more people, and finished up my Spanish classes. I decorated my room that week and as you see from above it was a success. I also joined a pilates class at the gym around the corner from me, the class is awesome and the teacher is great. I am learning so many new words and of course staying in shape! Even though I walk everywhere here it's still easy to get into a routine and get too relaxed. Also, the director here at the dorm, Isabel, introduced me to this great lady, Carmen, who is amiable and open person. And that same day Carmen and her friend Rocio took me to IKEA so I could get more stuff for my room. I thought that was so nice of them, especially since I had just met them. After IKEA we went to dinner at a nice Italian restaurant and the conversation was great. I love having intelligent and worldly conversations. We talked about politics in America and in Spain, plus I learned so much about the history racial tension here and how life was during the dictatorship and how different it is now. Overall that was a great day!
That weekend was so much fun; I taught some of the people here how to play Spades and they learned very quick and really liked the game. I was telling them that Spades is the number 1 game played at any party or gathering back home! That Friday night I went out with everyone from the dorm to Club White, it was a lot of fun plus I got to see a different side of the people here and vice versa. This was the night I realized that when they party, they party hard. We did not leave the club until 6:45am!!! The thing that got me was that some of them still wanted to stay! But they said they party later so they won't have to a taxi home because the bus starts running around 6:30am. My body was not use to this lifestyle and I slept until about 3pm that day. That Saturday some of my friends and I went to an Erasmus party on a boat which was a lot of fun! It's interesting to see how other cultures dance, meaning the guys here dance just as much as the females, if not more. But its fun because everyone is having a good time together!

I started school last week and it was truly an experience. The different faculties start at different times, plus the same class is on different days at different times! Very different from what I am used to and plus everyone here is so relaxed. The main thing said is "tranquilo" like calm down, why are you so stressed and my teacher said this. He said the attitude here is very relaxed and they don't take things as serious as we do in America. Like today was the official registration day and we didn't have any classes! So tomorrow I officially start all of my classes, I am taking a business, translations, and history class. This transition should be very interesting since all my classes are in Spanish; I really have to focus now!!
That's pretty much everything that has happened within these last two weeks, in a nutshell! I know that I will not be able to update my blog everyday now that school is starting, but I will try to be more frequent than I have been. Also, if there is anything you would like to know more about or sites that you know of in Spain or places that you would like to see, please let me know and I will go! I am hoping to make my blog more interactive with my readers, so please help me! Ask questions and Make requests!

Thanks in advance and I will be back soon to let you know how school is going!!
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