I'll start by saying I didn't know how hard writing a blog really is. I started of saying that I would have one everyday, then it went to only interesting things and then just when I had time.

After my first semester I moved out of the dorm into my new apartment and a week later I went to Marrakesh, Morocco for 4 days and spent 2 nights in the desert. let me say it was the best trip that I had ever taken. It is the most beautiful place and out of this world views! So for the past few months I have been consumed with school, working at elementary school and traveling every 2 weeks. This has been highly blessed year for me. Just like my hair, I have grown so much; as a young woman and most importantly with my relationship in Christ. In March, I set a goal for myself and at the end of May I achieved it! I read the entire BIBLE in 90 days and during those 90 days I gave up drinking alcohol (simply by choice, not that I drink a lot anyways). You know it's funny what type of people drop out your life when you stop doing certain things, I was constantly surrounded by peer pressure or criticized, but you shouldn't have to explain yourself all the time and I didn't! The last week of May I completed the Camino de Santiago, which is worldwide famous walk to see the body of the Apostle St. James and that must be done for religious or spiritual purposes. I completed the The English Way, which was 80 miles (119 km) in 5 days. I did the walk BY MYSELF and it was an enduring and rough 5 days but I met great people along the way, although most of the time I was by myself, I had a lot of time to reflect and read the word. At the end of the walk I had finished the BIBLE, from Genesis to Revelations. I texted my mother to let her know of my accomplishment; she said "congratulations baby girl, I am so proud of you - Now do it again and take your time" All I did was laugh and say this is why I love you!

This year has been simply amazing, I have had my hard times where all I could do was cry and my incredibly awesome days where my cheeks would hurt from laughing and smiling so much! But through it all I can do nothing but thank God. I finished the year off strong and passed all of my exams and I just want everyone to know being in a foreign university and expected to be at the same level as all the other students is a hard task. Some teachers might give you a little slack because Spanish is not you maternal language but others could careless and say you need to study harder and prove that you know the information like everyone else. I have had both ends of the spectrum, but when you are presented with a challenge and work through it, you feel like you can achieve anything.

To me this year has not been only about school and grades, it has been a package deal. Living, working, going to school in a foreign country and being apart of the culture has been this year for me. Making life love relationships, meeting people from all over the world, traveling all over Europe and going to Africa! - But most importantly, Just like my hair so much, so have I as a person! I couldn't have asked for a better year - Life is what you make of it!
This year has come to an end and now it's time to go back home and continue my life and GRADUATE!! Spain, I just want to say thank you for molding me into a better me!